Me Time

Trust God and Do Not Worry

Financial stress in the life of a Christian is a reality that we all face at one time or another. I believe that this is a reality because God tests His children, and one of the great tests of faith is what we do with our money. We know that we are God’s children, and He wants us to trust Him in all things.

Times of financial hardship put us in a place of spiritual opportunity. It is a real life situation where a Christian can choose by faith to demonstrate his trust in God and His Word. If you are in this situation, I would encourage you to read the promises of Jesus in Matthew 6:25-32. In verse 25, Jesus says to Christians, do not worry about your life, losing all your wealth, or things outside your control. We are supposed to be like Christ, and we are most like Christ when we are independent and content. We are most like the world when we overspend and worry about everything we think we need. Plutarch once said, “That which needs the least is the most absolute and most divine.” God already knows what we need, and He has promised to provide.

Jesus then gives several examples to prove how great His love and watch care over us is. In verse 26, Jesus tells us to look at the birds of the air; He is their Master and Lord and they do not have barns to store their food in, but as long as they live, God provides for them. He is your Father, and you are of more value than many sparrows. The birds trust in God, and they have little tiny brains; we have very advanced brains, so will we not trust in our Creator? That must be the secret. The birds are simple, content and do not worry, so they are some of the happiest of God’s creation as they sing in the trees, praising their creator. If we were, by faith, as unconcerned about the stuff we cannot control as they are, we should sing as cheerfully as they do, for it is worldly care that steals our joy and stifles our praise.

Jesus says do not worry about what you will eat, what you will drink or what you will wear… “For your heavenly Father knows all your needs.” ■

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