Family Life

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is the most powerful tool that is also the most underutilized. James 5:13-20 tells us how important and effective prayer can be, so we have to prioritize it!

Why Don’t We Pray?
Even as a minister working in a church, prayer can fall low on my list of must-dos throughout my day. I know the Bible’s command to pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17), yet I try to muscle through my day by just DOING. Running to and from work, running to and from doctor’s appointments, running to and from school, running to and from home. Too often, I try to be the best wife, mother, coworker, and friend I can without asking for the Lord’s guidance and thanking Him for His amazing gifts. Maybe you’re like me in this, so let’s take a minute to remind ourselves of the power of prayer to a powerful God.

The Power of Praying Alone
If the goal of a Christian is to be more like Jesus, then let’s look to his example in prayer. Throughout the New Testament, we see Jesus going to be alone to spend time with God (check out Mark 1:35 and Luke 5:16) away from distractions and the noise of life. We think that we’re busy (and we are!) but think about how many people needed Jesus to teach and heal and do all of the things only he could do every single day, and he still made the time to be alone with the Father. No matter how hectic our lives become, we need to put the effort into making space and time to be alone with our Father in prayer. In the car, getting ready for the day, right before going to bed, all and any of your times like these (no matter how short!) can be times to rest in the Lord in prayer.

The Power of Praying As A Family
One of my sweet mom friends shared about how she finds moments to pray out loud in front of her kids about anything at all. She learned from her own mother to thank God for the sunshine, the car, the clouds, anything and everything. One day when they were running late, she and her young daughter passed under a green light on the way to school. The mom heard her daughter pray, “Thank you God for green lights because we are always late!” Your kids are always listening and catching what you throw out: The good, the bad, and the ugly! These are the times when your children will observe and learn from you the most. Praying in front of, over, and with your children is a powerful bonding force. Teach them to rely on the all-powerful, almighty, and all-loving Good Father who is ready to hear anything that they have to say.

I pray that you will invite the Lord into your life and the life of your family every day. Our Father is always ready to talk with His children, no matter the time or circumstance.


Taylor Nelson is the Children’s Minister of Jefferson Baptist Church

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