Family Life

Soldiers of Christ

When God listed the valiant warriors, it was always those men and women who understood the presence of God. The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is to maintain intimacy with the Lord. It is not the only thing, but it is the chief thing.

The great people of earth are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer, say they believe in prayer, or yet those who can explain about prayer, but I mean those who take time to pray. The world will be stunned at our Jesus and His gospel in this partnership. We cannot do it without Him, and He will not do it without us. Us being His Church.

I pray that our hearts, families, and personal devotion would rise to the highest privilege of serving the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we give our whole selves to being the soldiers of Jesus Christ.

May we see His glory rise above the rot of a godless society. May His light in us reveal the way for multitudes. May we herald His gospel as proud prophets. May we have the faith to be soldiers for Christ and be the people of His presence. May we be a formidable force through God against those forces that would intend to bring devastation upon our families, our souls, and our beloved country.

“O God, would you put heaven’s courage in us: to fight side by side, for each other and with each other and never against each other.”

Don’t falter, my friend. Be the fuel of every prayer meeting. When you want to sleep–stir yourself. You who once served a kingdom perishable, give your all to the King of Glory. We are in a great spiritual battle between the very forces of Heaven and Hell. All our combined efforts, time, wealth, and abilities are inadequate to hold back the destructive forces attacking our family and nation.

We must pray! We must preach. Today, the crisis is acute. The danger is imminent. Time is running out. Fight, my dear friend. Fight in the prayer meetings. Unleash the gospel power into the streets again.

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier,” (2 Timothy 2:4).


Lee Shipp is the Senior Pastor of First New Testament Church

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