Family Life

No New Year’s Resolutions Here; I’m Too Busy

Well, we did it; we have made it another year, and it is about time to put 2022 in the books. We have all been through so much over the last few years. With the new year comes a new opportunity to start fresh and get back on track with your goals.

Sounds about right for this time of year, right? Now is the time when everyone starts writing about reflecting on the past year and asking, did you meet your goals? Did you spend time with your family and friends? Well, if you’re looking for that, you are in the wrong place. 

Don’t get me wrong, all that stuff is great, but if you’re in the same world I’m in, you have been running wide open all year and doing everything you can to keep your family happy, your boss happy, and your house in some resemblance of what one might call clean.

I wanted to take this time to tell you what I wish for you and everyone else: I pray we can all find some time to spend with our family and we learn that it is okay to do that. I pray we all remember what it was like in 2020 with our families, when we got out the bikes and rode around the neighborhood and had some fun. I don’t think we need to set resolutions to be home every day by 5:30.

I pray that we slow down and enjoy this Christmas season before it is gone. Too many times, at least in my life, I find I get all caught up at the end-of-year deadlines for work. Then I am rushing to get home, rushing to a Christmas party, then rushing to get to the school program…you know the drill. We are parents and grandparents, and this time of year pulls us in more directions than just about any other time of year. So, rather than try and fix everything by thinking getting home at 5:30 every day will fix it, just try and slow down a little. Block some time in your calendar to come in late and enjoy a coffee with a client or friend at a coffee shop instead of on Zoom. Maybe take an afternoon and go for a walk. Go look at Christmas lights more than just one night this year. 

We are all very busy, and I don’t think we need to feel bad about that. However, we do need to start adding to our busy schedules some of these things that make all the running around worth it. So, grab your phone, open your calendar app, and go block out some time right now. Reserve two or three hours each week for this month to do some of this stuff. The next thing you know, you’re busy, but you still have time blocked out to slow down and find the fun things to do or to simply enjoy the Christmas season. Eventually, you will get that break when everyone gets to slow down on Christmas and wish you could have more times like this. 

So, do it now. Grab your phone, block some times, and make this holiday season different. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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