Family Life

Make Your List!

Life can be so overwhelming at times. Our heads are often swimming with things to do, places to be, and goals we want to achieve. Sometimes our true desires can get lost in the shuffle. How can we be clear and sure about what's best for us?

We have a friend who was recently widowed.  Before he got back into the dating world, he made a list of what he wanted in a significant other.  He came up with 17 things! We were impressed! I shared it with the guys (Murphy & Sam) at work–and it caught on.  Sam (who is single now) made his list, and came up with about 12 things! What impressed us MOST is how it ends up being about what YOU want.  Making the list helps you know yourself.

Around this same time, I was having trouble focusing past 2 p.m.  I kept getting so sleepy and cranky every afternoon. I definitely needed to change that!  So, I made my own list: my list of things I want to change about my life. Getting more sleep was at the top.  There is something about writing it down, defining it clearly, that works. I am trying to live by this now. Here is my list: 

1. More sleep (no guilt about a nap either)

2. Less rushing around–overall.

3. More unplanned time with the kids.

4. More scheduled time with friends.

I also shared this little trick with our girls, and I hope they use this.  So far, I’ve only seen a list of things they want/need for summer. Like a shopping list.  But I am hopeful they will list some goals, too, one day. Hoping! 


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