It’s rare to see nine-year-old Lily Raffray without a smile on her face. She has always been a very happy and giggly little girl, even when she and her family received the diagnosis that the bump on Lily’s neck was Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Now, Lily has officially been in remission for four years and is living her life to the fullest and giving back to those who supported her on her journey.

Her love for having tea parties with her grandma helped to inspire her annual Lily’s Tea Party. The tea party is held to help raise funds that go to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “She’s very involved with the tea party. She gives her opinions on how she thinks things should look, and when people arrive to the event, Lily is always the one to show them to their tables,” shares her mother, Juliet.

Lily enjoys staying active, too. She has been dancing for six years and has picked up cheerleading. She’s also quite the caregiver. You can often find her in the kitchen making snacks for her brother or spending time with her cat, Cuddles.

Sleeping is also a big deal. Her mom shares that she is definitely an early to bed, late to rise kind of girl. Lily is also a big fan of watching Spirit on Netflix and watching five minute craft videos on YouTube. She also has a pretty extensive collection of stuffed animals that could rival any plush store!

Lily never meets a stranger, has a love for helping others, and is an all-around wonderful little girl which makes her one amazing kid.

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