Family Life

Hunter Kinchen

OCCUPATION: Employee Benefits Consultant at BXS Insurance
WIFE: Lauren Kinchen
CHILDREN: Remi, 4; Piper, 1.5; and Asher, 6 months
HOBBIES: tennis, golf, fitness, and hunting

Hunter Kinchen loves to play tennis and have fun with his three children, but, more than anything, he loves watching his children take on something new. He enjoys being silly with his children, and while he describes himself as “fun,” he says he can be firm when he needs to be. He also knows it takes a lot of patience and understanding when it comes to raising three little ones, which is why the payoff is great when they finally do learn a little more independence or get to do something they love. He knows independence is not always a thing to celebrate, though, because wishing for your child’s independence is like wishing away precious moments with them–if you’re not careful enough. 

It takes a lot of selflessness to raise three young children, too, which Hunter has had to learn a lot about during his journey as a dad. To him, being a selfless parent includes being deliberate in taking time to appreciate the moment when it comes to raising children. Instead of anticipating when his children will reach a certain age and accomplish a certain milestone, Hunter believes in soaking up the age they are right now because they will not be that small forever, and that is why we think he is an awesome dad next door.

What does a normal day look like for you?
Most days I get the kids up, get them ready for school, and then bring them to school. I get to my office around 8:30 and prepare for any early meetings I may have. When I get home around 4:30, the kids usually want to play outside, so we play around, hang out, eat dinner, and then it’s time to take their baths and go to bed.

What are some of the joys and challenges of raising your children?
I love seeing them learn something new and do something by themselves for the first time. It’s great watching them learn how to be independent. A big challenge would be learning how to be patient with them and teaching them how to be patient at the same time.

What are your qualities as a father?
My wife always accuses me of being too energetic with kids and riling them up, but I like to have fun with them and be silly and play games. Whenever it is time to discipline them, though, they know when I’m being serious. They know when that transition occurs. 

What do you like to do as a family?
My kids love to play outside and ride their scooters around the neighborhood, so we spend time outside, play with bubbles and chalk, and go on walks around the neighborhood. They also love to swim and swing on the swing set. They just like to run around and play a lot, which is totally fine with me because it burns off their energy.

What’s your favorite thing about being a dad?
I just love to see my kids enjoying themselves and seeing the joy on their faces when they get to do something they love. We recently went to Disney World with them, and it was so cool watching their faces light up.

What has parenthood taught you?
A lot! It taught me that I’m a pretty selfish person, but it also taught me how to be selfless and patient. I need to be patient anytime they’re learning how to do something new instead and not expect them to already know how to do 

What are some things you hope to teach your children?
First and foremost, I would love to teach them how to love God and other people. Secondly, I want to teach them how to serve others and to put other people first.

What is something your job has taught you about parenting?
In my job, I have to learn how to be patient because sometimes a “no” is not a “no” in a year, it’s just a “no” for right now. I’ve had to learn how to wait for the right time for something to happen, and it is the same way with my kids. They might not know how to do something right the first time, but, over time, and with persistence and patience, they learn how to do things.

How do you tackle challenges as a dad?
We have a really good community around us and good relationships with our families and friends. We all share challenges with each other and encourage each other, so that is really helpful whenever we have things that we don’t know how to handle.

How do you make time to relax?
I don’t know if most people consider this relaxing, but I really enjoy playing tennis recreationally. It really helps me clear my mind, and it is a good competitive outlet for me.

What personality trait of yours do your children also have?
My wife would say it is my silliness because our kids can get a little crazy sometimes, but we have a lot of fun. They love people and love being around people, and they are very loyal to the people they love.

Any advice for other parents?
I am no expert at parenting, but I would say it is important to learn how to enjoy the time you have with your kids without wishing that they were at a different stage in life. Learn to love where they are instead of wanting them to be somewhere else in the process of growing up.

Before I go out, I always check to make sure I have…
my phone.
In my fridge, you will always find…Stonyfield yogurt for my two year old.
My favorite dessert is…chocolate cake with vanilla icing.
My favorite food is…steak.
My guilty pleasure is…sweets.
The first thing I do when I wake up is…take a shower.
I’m always laughing at…the things my kids say. ■

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