It’s hard to believe that this is our 384th issue. Yep, that makes us 32 years old this month. I can’t imagine what was going through my mother-in-law’s mind when she had the idea of starting this magazine. I know why she started the magazine, but I am not sure I could have been that brave to start something new and hope for it to succeed. She saw a need in the community and had the drive to make it work.

So much has changed during these last 32 years. The Internet has changed the way that most people read or research. The print industry has slowly declined, and only niche markets seem to be keeping afloat. While I am excited that we are still growing, I have seen all these changes take effect over the 20 years I have been around this magazine. I am not sure about you, but I don’t like change! I fight it at every opportunity.  

One thing that does not change is your birthday. Yep, every year that sucker rolls around whether you want it to or not! Each July, we focus on birthdays and help our readers plan the best birthday for their little one. In this issue, we feature our annual birthday listing to help you plan the perfect party with local vendors, and give tips on how to throw a DIY birthday party to help save you some money. 

I know, as parents, we try to go all out, but most of the time, the littles don’t even see what we are doing. They just care who showed up and how much fun they had. Oh, and the presents!

July is a month of celebration for us, so let’s celebrate together. Also, Happy July, and Happy Independence Day!