Family Life

Dad Next Door: Stephen Etheredge

Occupation ▪ Sports Medicine & Head Team Physician of LSU Athletics
Wife ▪ Ashley
Children ▪ Colton, 9
Hobbies ▪ Coaching flag football, fishing, sports, anything outdoors, and watching movies

Growing up, Stephen Etheredge always had a passion for science, all things medical, and athletics. It was through this brilliant combination that helped bring Stephen to where he is today. Stephen has worked hard for years, and it’s easy to see that Stephen absolutely loves every minute of his job of being able to help others.

As a father, Stephen is passionate about having family time and encouraging his son to be his best self, to be open-minded, and to always keep a great attitude, no matter what the situation may be. Stephen is truly a caring, inspiring, and driven dad.

Tell me about your son. 
S: Colton is a third grader, and he’s a huge LSU fan. He’s incredibly smart and has a great heart. He’s fun loving, enjoys fishing, and likes to play sports. He was diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum when he was two, and that was one of the deciding factors in staying in Baton Rouge because of the great experiences he had, improvements he made, and the resources.

What do you like to do as a family? 
S: We go to Disney every year. We also go to a lot of sporting events. We ride bikes, go on walks around the neighborhood, and play board games and card games.

What’s the greatest thing about being a dad? 
S: I was fortunate to have such a wonderful father who passed on life lessons and a love for fishing, and so, being able to also pass on those lessons, share those joys with him, and be a part of that growth is the best.

How has parenthood changed you? 
S: Definitely for the better. You’re forced to look at yourself more. I want to be a better person for him. It also taught me to have more patience with my patients.

What do you love most about your job? 
S: I enjoy having the opportunity to help people. That’s a huge part of it. Also, being a part of a team. You’re a part of something that is bigger than yourself.

How do you find the balance between work and family time? 
It’s hard. I have a very demanding job and it’s hard to balance everything, but you have to make the time. Being a parent is the most important job you can have, so you have to make the time to be there.

What’s a typical Saturday like for your family? 
S: We don’t have typical days, they’re more seasonal. If it’s fall, we go out to the stadium and tailgate. Then, we’ll go to the game and hopefully celebrate the victory afterward. If it’s not fall, then we are at home, fishing, spending time on the porch, or doing anything active. 

What kind of dad are you? 
S: I try to be as immersed as I can. I like to have fun in life and do the things he wants to do. I try to enjoy things through his eyes while always being a teacher for him whenever I can.

What advice do you give your son? 
S: I want him to know that he is loved. I tell him that there are things he can control: his attitude, his effort, and how attentive he is, and that mistakes are okay.

Best parenting advice you have ever received? 
S: The best advice is to not take it for granted. You only have one opportunity to be a parent, so be there and do things with your children.

What do you do to take care of yourself? 
S: I try and do some physical activity at least two or three times a week, whether it’s running or going to the gym.

What’s your favorite date night with your wife? 
When we can do some of our hobbies together. We could be outdoors or go fishing. I enjoy that more than getting spruced up and going somewhere fancy.

Who does the homework: you or your wife? 
We split it up. I do the vast majority of the science and math, but she’s the driving force in making sure it gets done.

Which family member has been your greatest role model in life? 
My dad. He’s the kind of father I have always wanted to be. If Colton looks at me the way I look at my dad, then my life will be a success.

What’s one lesson from work you can bring home to your family? 
S: Hard work. Just from seeing the athletes and how hard they train and work, that can be applied to anything.

How is it different from working with LSU and watching your son play? 
For me, it’s more personal. You want them to do their best and excel so badly, that it becomes emotional. When they excel, it’s such a high.

Do you have advice for other parents? 
S: You have one chance to be a parent. Don’t pass up on the opportunity to spend time with your kids. ■

Quick Q&A
The parenting item I couldn’t live without…sleep.
In my fridge, you will always find…bottled water.
Favorite movie growing up…Star Wars.
I feel my best when I’m…with family.
My favorite television show is…Game of Thrones.
My favorite ice cream is…chocolate and peanut butter.

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