Family Life

Chris Mitchell

Occupation Soccer Coach

Wife  Angie

Children Sophia, 11, and Savannah, 9

Hobbies ▪ Traveling with my family, hiking, camping, and yard work


The soccer field is a place that each member of Chris Mitchell’s family is comfortable with. It’s also one place where they all enjoy spending a lot of time. Whether he’s coaching, watching his daughter’s play, or traveling out of state to attend a competition, Chris and his family are a soccer family that is always on the go. And for Chris, it’s something he thrives on.

Chris is incredibly energetic, and he’s always ready to have fun. Whether that means sitting around the dinner table playing Spades and Hearts with his daughters or going on outdoorsy trips together, Chris puts his family first by making sure they are always creating memories that will last a lifetime.


Tell me about your children.

C: Sophia’s very loud, energetic, and active. She doesn’t like to sit still; she likes to be doing something. She is also a big reader, and she’s involved in her school’s book club. Savannah is extremely competitive. She has no fear, and she dittos everything Sophia does. She’s also fantastic in school.


What are things you do together as a family?

C: We travel a lot because of soccer. We go to the movies. Both girls are big Star Wars fans. We also have a lot of family time, and we do a lot of outdoor activities together like hiking, canoeing, and rafting.


What’s the greatest thing about being a dad?

C: Firstly, I am very fortunate to have the wife I have. She is extremely supportive. Also, watching them take on challenges and persevere. To them, there is no challenge too great. It’s exciting watching them grow and work hard.


How has parenthood changed you? 

C: Without a doubt, I think more about life. My faith has grown exponentially. When you have kids, not only seeing the birth, but watching them grow, it’s very spiritual. There has been a lot of growth in my faith, which is why we start and end the day with prayer.


What do you love most about your job? 

C: At first, I had no plan or desire to coach, but once I got into it, I never looked back. Being able to pass on all of the knowledge I learned along the way is very rewarding.


What kind of coach are you? 

C: Hopefully one who inspires a love of soccer and an openness to be able to express oneself.


Do you ever have to deal with angry parents?

C: Absolutely. It’s the most challenging part. However, I try to look at it as I would rather have a passionate parent than one who doesn’t care.


What advice would you give to someone who is wanting to play a sport? 

C: Pick something you enjoy and have fun with it. You will be more successful in the sport if you enjoy it.


How do you find the balance between work and family? 

C: Organization. I make lists daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. With how many activities we are involved in, organization is paramount. 


What advice do you often give your children? 

C: I tell them that life is not meant to be fair, but it’s important to always push through those difficult times.


What’s the best parenting advice you have ever received? 

C: My mother and my sister often tell me that it’s important to always set aside time for you and your wife.


What’s your favorite date night with your wife?

C: Going to eat what she wants to eat, which is usually sushi. It’s the number one item on our list.


What do you do to take care of yourself? 

C: I am part of a weekly Bible study group. It has pushed me in a good way. We also pray every day, and we do a quick devotional before bed.


Who does the homework: you or your wife? 

C: My wife is first to help. For me, as an observer, she does a great job. She’s probably more patient with it. They tend to lean on her more for that.


What do you keep on your nightstand? 

C: Phone is number one. I also have a book I am reading from my daughter’s book club, Vanished by James Ponti. It’s pretty good!


What did you have as a child that kids today don’t have? 

C: Freedom to take my bike anywhere I wanted to go. We would just explore, and it was awesome. I think that is why we take so many outdoorsy trips now.


Which family member has been your greatest coach in life? 

C: My sister has given me really good advice. Also, my wife. She has been my inspiration.


How do you parent like your parents? 

C: The things we do are very similar. My parents were also pro-activities and athletics.


Do you have any advice for other parents? 

C: If you’re going to have kids, don’t wait. Also, set aside time to be with your kids if they ask you to do something. It could be shooting hoops, needing help with homework, or playing a video game, make the time to do it. ■


Quick Q&A
The parenting item I couldn’t without… love.

In my fridge, you will always find…cheese of all different sizes, colors, and shapes.

Favorite movie growing up…Superman.

Music I’m loving… 80s and 90s. The Cars were my favorite band when I was growing up.

My favorite ice cream is… chocolate.

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